Friday, July 18, 2008

New player

We have replaced the old embedded player to a new, own developed one. It is easier and more comfortable to use, sound quality is better.

Enjoy it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Languague Bug


There is a bug at the moment with the Country_to_ip part of our page, so it changes to Hungarian as soon as you signed in.

In order to change your language preference, please go by these screenshots:

First click on the top on "Profilom" and choose "felhasználói profil szerkesztése", and when you reach there, choose the "Nyelv" change from Magyar to English, and click at the bottom the "módosítás"

So you will have everything in English from now.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What is this about?

I cannot say for a month or so. But I can tell you, who are the players on our racing circuit.

The big shots are iTunes and amazon there.

Small but growing fishes are: jamendo, imeem amiestreet.

Probably by now aleready you know that it must be some music site. is a multi-languague site, as there the world is not enough for us.

Probably the market and timing is good now, as iTunes and Amazon are going to kill each other right now.

If you have forgotten to sign-up for the beta-testing, you can do it here.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Pre-beta is accessible

Here we go,

A more-than-simple signup page is up and running, so please visit it now, and register for the closed beta.

The address:

If you want to participate in the beta testing hurry to register, in a month time we close the gates, and next time they will open in January.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Money makes the world go around?

So how to start a serious website?

The idea is here, now it is time to find out, how much it costs to build and operate - and where to get the profit from.

Next task is so sneek around the net, what resources needed for similar ideas, what resources needed, where can we fail, as many developers do.

Use managed hosting? I will get a PC, can't believe that only for me, and needs loads of money to run it. Around 150 USD/month before starting. And we need system software, database, etc on each. :(

And how many servers we need? Who knows? An usual trap for a web2 company is to grow faster than the income flows in. The existing servers are not enough, and timeouts show up. if the fanbase is big enough, they can survive, othervise a site can loose its visitors in no time. Or, the worst case is to hunt venture capital.
But hunting capital is not the best idea. They usually more eager on securing their investment, than risking and building something great.

I like people, even rich ones. But if possible, get their wealth elsewhere.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Moment of History

It didn't start at night, after a drunk party.

On a sunny Friday mornin' at our management meeting in a faraway MacDonalds, the idea came suddenly. (No, we DO NOT work there, just our virtual organization needs a place to meet, and some junk food too)

We were proud of ourselves, that how smart we are, and how nicely can we run a company with no office, no costs, we were wondering, how can we even more profit from our exceptional skills. :-o

What is the future of the web, what can we add to it, where goes the web2 storm, is there anything unexplored now?

After a serious analyis, we found out, that the majority of the now succesfull internet companies didn't exist at 2000, and the heroes of 2000 are mostly died by now.
Finishing my Diet Coke, i made an extrapolation, that the companies leading the net at 2015 are not existing now.

So, we just need an idea, and we will be succesfull by then. But what shall we start?

  • Sex? There are millions of sites any legal - and unfortunately illegal - perversion.
  • Community? Clones everywhere.
  • Video sharing? Great idea, maybe someone starts it soon .... :)

We didn't like these really.

  • Music? There are many illegal, and legal ways. So let's start there.

How it works, who makes the code, how to raise money, where the income comes from? A few simple questions.

Answers in the blog.
